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Home Integrated Healthcare & Monitoring​
We created Dinaci in a world where intelligent kitchenware offers the beyond cancer patient a means of health monitoring. Advancements in technology allow regular kitchen tools - such as cutlery - to gather and analyse health data through understanding behavioural and biological trends.
In a world where everything is connected - your fork knows your plate and your napkin knows your fork - how can these intelligent connections create a new means of beyond cancer care?
In a wider context this collective intelligence plays an important role in the cancer and medical communities. The utilisation of big data, in understanding trends of thousands of users, allows for a new means of health care.
We created a short video highlighting the experience of our world. Our video follows a woman living beyond breast cancer, involving herself with the Dinaci system as part of her healthcare. We were keen to focus on this shift of cancer's presence into the home, highlighting both the positive and negative aspects of our world.
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