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Integrating healthcare into everyday life.

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Founded in 2022, we've spent the last eight years designing to seamlessly integrate healthcare in the home.  In creating a collectively intelligent environment - in which everything is connected - the person's health is understood and advised. This CI cultivates both the patient and the doctor, keeping you safe and affording an acceleration in medical advancements.

How it works

Advancements in the way health data can be harnessed allows us to create intelligent tools that blend into everyday life. Data is collected through multiple touchpoints when eating; for example our forks and napkins take information from saliva. You need not own all our products, however the more you more you own the clearer the picture.  Information gathered from the dining experience is relayed to you via your chosen digital platform; constantly updating your health status.

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Catalyst Mix

A prescribed Catalyst Mix is a key element in reading your data.  It reacts with saliva to allow our other tools the ability to read.  There are many vessels which integrate the mix into your everyday home; our most popular being Grinder.  Talk to your GP or visit a local pharmacy to find the right catalyst mix for you.

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